The climb up to Shree Secondary School is as steep as it is long. Farm terraces stack up the mountainside like floors of a building, and the narrow dirt paths that line the edges offer no easy or d...
Umu Bouare isn’t the only hairstylist in her village, but she has to be the most likable. Sitting on the quiet, well-shaded porch of her home, she welcomes customers in with an infectious smile; it...
The craziest thing we can do is nothing. Even if it were 1 million people, it would be a crisis. But it’s not 1 million. It’s 663 million. 663 million people on our planet drink dirty and dangerous...
We know how to end the water crisis in our lifetime. With your help, we will. Right now, there are 663 million people on this planet living without clean water. 663 million! That’s 1 in 10 of us. O...
Evelyn and her husband used to collect their water from Uganda’s Lake Victoria. While the water source wasn’t far away, it did introduce all kinds of health problems. For years, their family was ...